If you are preparing for an upcoming move, you will become familiar with everything you have within your home. It is difficult to know how much stuff you have acquired until you start going through it all. Things seem to pile up before our eyes between shopping for essentials, holiday, and birthday gifts, and if you have little ones – the toy bins can get out of hand quickly. As you go through your belongings, organizing to begin your packing processes, downsizing is something to prioritize.
Local Colorado Springs long-haul moving and storage companies can help you with the packing procedures, but it is not likely your moving company can also provide takeaway or trash hauling services. While certain sentimental items are challenging to let go of, sorting through the home by taking things one room at a time will ensure you do not get too overwhelmed throughout the process, and once you have figured out what you are taking with you and what you will need to get rid of, finding a place to bring it all is the next challenge you will face.
Local Consignment Shops
You do not necessarily have to donate everything that you are choosing to leave behind or get rid of. Selling or consigning certain items, clothing, or high-value belongings can earn you extra cash for the moving journey and the move-in process. Consignment stores are a great place to utilize for selling clothing, jewelry, and other specialty items – plus, they are also suitable for purchasing things at a lower price. Different shops will have additional requirements for what they accept when they accept and the consignment procedures.
It is a wise idea to investigate the shops within your neighborhood, check out their websites, and even contact a store representative to review what you would like to consign and any guidelines they impose. If you cannot sell certain items at these shops, you can move to resale online stores like eBay, Depop, Posh mark, or Mercari. There are loads of options available, but they require the shipper to ensure that everything purchased is shipped accordingly, and you must take the time to post everything and then wait for people to buy them.
Shelters or Religious Organizations in Your Neighborhood
Donating your belongings is another option during the downsizing. Once you have all your donations together, further organizing them into categories will help you keep track of everything properly and donate thoughtfully. There are plenty of options for granting, but they are not guaranteed to accept your donations. Shelters, recreation and community centers, and even religious organizations have guidelines on what they can and cannot obtain – and when they are overloaded with one category, they may turn you away entirely. This task requires you to research your own; utilizing the internet can give you the basics – where you can donate nearby and what they support – but you will need to contact someone directly for details. You may need to visit more than one place to drop it all off, but you can always give the rest to friends and family members!
Check Out Thrift Stores
Another spot you may want to check out is thrift stores – from large corporations like Goodwill to smaller, more niche options like the Buffalo Exchange – these are great places to drop off your unwanted or gently used items. Some stores will accept almost anything, and others that are clothing only. Hence, it is a good idea to check all the policies associated with donations before you drive over for a drop-off. Thrift stores are utilized by people all over Colorado and the rest of the country because clothing, electronics, and other household goods are affordable – much more accessible than at a traditional retail establishment. Often, you will find treasures and unique items! If you are ready to pass along things like that, you could make someone’s day.
Look Online for Local Charities Searching for Donations
Lastly, you can check out more niche and specific charity organizations if you have things meant for a particular category of people, work, etc., or if you are interested in supporting a set cause, then this is your chance. Millions of charitable organizations are available for donations; however, they may not always have a brick-and-mortar location for you to visit and make drop-offs. If there is a set organization that you wish to donate to, then it is entirely up to you how you want to proceed with that.
At the end of the day, this is all your stuff, and if you are hoping to do some good for someone else by providing those items for specific use, you will need to check charities that will support your cause. Once everything is donated and downsized, it is moving time – but not without professional movers to help! Denver City Movers offers stress-free moving solutions for Colorado Springs residents! When you are ready to get moving, contact a moving specialist for a free moving estimate to get started on your relocation adventure!