What to Include On Your Wedding Invitations When You Are Holding an At Home Wedding

What to Include on Your Wedding Invitations When You Are Holding an At Home Wedding

If you are holding an at-home wedding, you must include everything you need on your wedding invitations. The last thing you want is for your guests to be disappointed. You can do a few things to ensure that your invitations are perfect.
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If you are holding an at-home wedding, you must include everything you need on your wedding invitations. The last thing you want is for your guests to be disappointed. You can do a few things to ensure that your invitations are perfect.

wedding invitation card

Don’t Include Your Parents’ Names

Wedding invitations wording can be a challenge. It can be especially tricky if you go for a more casual or informal event. Including your parents’ names on your wedding invitation is not always a good idea. Traditionally, a bride’s mother is listed on the first line of an invitation. The second line of the invitation includes the bride’s father’s name. You may also include the names of your bride’s stepparents. If your wedding is a small affair, you may list all the guests’ names.

One of the more common forms of wedding invitation wording is “One Set of Parents Hosting.” This invitation form recognizes that the bride’s parents are paying for everything. Another example of a less formal wedding is “Two Parents Hosting.” This method of invitation refers to the groom’s parents. Wedding invitation wording can be challenging if you have a complicated family. In the case of a long-term couple, writing both of their names is very important.

Include Dress Code Information

If you plan an at-home wedding, it is probably safe to assume that your guests will not be dressed to impress. However, your wedding invitations should mention some important details. First, include the wedding venue. This includes the city, state and complete address. It can be helpful to include a map of the venue so that guests can see where the ceremony and reception will take place.

Second, be sure to provide an RSVP deadline. This will give your guests time to respond and finalize the guest list for your caterer. A good time to send your wedding invites is about three to four weeks before the big day. Finally, you will want to mention a dress code. Many couples will provide a style guide of sorts for their guests to use. This could contain photos of outfits for men and women. It may also be helpful to mention the time, date and venue on your wedding invitations. This is a nice gesture.

Address a Wedding Invitation from a Widowed Parent

Addressing a wedding invitation from a widowed parent is a bit tricky. You want to include the correct information to ensure that all your guests know where the ceremony and reception will be. Here are some tips to help you write the perfect invitation. The first line of the wedding invitation will list who will be hosting the wedding. You may also want to state the wedding save the date time. If the reception is going to be held in more than one location, you will need to provide that information in separate cards. In addition to the main invitation, sending save-the-dates is also a good idea. These should list the guests’ names if you are unsure of their addresses.

Don’t Use Capital Letters at the Beginning of a Sentence

When writing your wedding invitations, you don’t want to use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. Capitalization is a typical writing mistake. It can make your writing look incomplete, and it cannot be very comfortable. For example, you may want to capitalize the name of your bridesmaids, but you don’t want to capitalize the word “sister”. However, you could capitalize the word “aunt”.

For example, you may not want to capitalize the word “sister” in a title that mentions the name of a grandmother. But you might want to capitalize the word “grandmother”. A brand name such as Sony is a proper noun, so it should be capitalized. You can always check with a style guide to get the proper capitalization.


You want to capitalize each line’s first letter when writing a poem. You may not want to capitalize the first word of every sentence if you have a very long verse. Titles and names of people are also essential to capitalize. However, the rules on titles can vary widely. This is because titles often include adjectives, prepositions, or conjunctions. This can vary depending on whether the bride and groom are hosting the event themselves or whether the parents are. When it comes to the latter, the wording should change slightly.

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Farhan Ellahi
Farhan Ellahi

I'm a web designer & developer with over 25 website creations under my belt. I have worked with various technologies including wordpress, javascript, php, and mern stack. I have many national and international clients. I'm also a blogger and tech mentor.

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